Friday, September 18, 2020

ancient cup project


This is an ancient Vessel from Ciempozuelos, beginning of the second millennium BC. It is a Bell Beaker cup, a style that has been found all over Europe and dates back millennia. They have been suggested to have been designed for the consumption of alcohol as bear and mead content have been found on some samples. They were also used as reduction pots for smelting copper ores, as food vessels, and as funerary urns. The process for making and firing the cups varies greatly as they have been found across

Friday, September 4, 2020

Genevieve Krass Historical Project


This piece is a decorated global vessel, with an everted lip, from an Igbo tribe in Africa. 

To make the vessel, the clay was mined and prepared, then mixed the clay with water until it was malleable. Matter (such as ground sand, pebbles, old pottery, or crushed dried grass) was mixed into the clay to decrease shrinkage during the drying and firing process. The substance mixed in never exceeded 50% of the mixture. Clay was coiled around a flattened base, then molded and smoothed into a shape. The piece was then sundried, decorated when fully dried, and then wood fires for four hours.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Historical Project

 Project 1 _ Post an image of your cup and any related technical information. 

You will recreate this cup as well as make a modernized version of it.