Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Kiln Firing and a zombie shirt

This bisque firing is fired to cone 04 (which is a little hotter than normal due to the fact that we normally bisque fire which is cone 08). See the chart below for specific firing temperatures. We will be working in what is considered a low fire range. Although the work has dried for some time I candled the kiln for 12 hours due to the thickness of the handbuilt pieces to drive off any moisture that may remain in the sculptures. Trilla's zombie tshirt she wore to class will certainly bring good luck to the kiln.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Project 1

In Class Demo

Your first project is to create 3 vessels. One vessels should be primarily coil built, one vessel should be primarily slab built, and one vessel should be predominantly made using the pinch method. They should be a series and could be related in subject, color, texture, form etc. They could be realistic, abstract, or non objective. Feel free to put your creativity on this project. We have adopted a broad definition for vessel on this project and I believe it was something along the lines of "a hollow or concave form or object used for holding substances or ideas "  You should have put some thought into this project and have your vessels sketched out for class on Tuesday Sept 6th.

Throwers: we will continue working on forms 1 and 2 with a strong focus on technique and centering.