Roane State Community College
Division of Humanities
ARTP 1510,1520
Handbuilding I and Wheel Throwing I
Name: Bryan Wilkerson
Office: 0-116 Main Campus
Office Hours: M 10:00-3:00 T 12:00-4 W 12:00-3:00 R 12:00-4
Phone: 865-354-3000 ext4748
Course Type: Studio Class
Day and Time: TR 4:00-7:05
Credit Hours: 3
Course objectives :
-To obtain a working knowledge of all of the primary ceramic hand-building techniques, methods, and mate- rials; and a greater understanding of the entire ceramic process. -To experience and develop creative & aesthetic problem solving and decision making. -To be exposed to contemporary and historical art through lectures and personal research.
-The course will consist of demonstrations, supervised studio work, the critique, discussion, and slide lectures. It is designed to cover a wide range of processes, methods, and theories using ceramics. This includes sculpture, vessels, pottery, tiles, and mold making. You should expect to spend substantial time outside of class to finish assigned projects.
Extensive time must be spent outside the studio to make your best work. You can never succeed by working at the last minute in this class. You can add to a drawing or a Photoshop file 5 minutes before class, but this will never work in ceramics. If you cannot meet deadlines and expectations then you should find another class. There is zero tolerance for attendance problems or late assignments.
Attendance is mandatory. Arrive on time. Do not leave early. More than two unexcused absences will result in one lower final class grade. Excessive late arrivals will be counted as an absence. Every day an assignment is unfinished, I can drop it one letter grade. Do not use class time to schedule other events in your life.
This will count as one of your grades for the semester. It should be an easy one. You can use any sketchbook you want. However you must have a place where you can write down and keep technical information that I will be giving out on.Participation includes making clay, offering feed back in critiques, helping with kilns,clean up, etc.
Teaching is a dynamic. No matter how difficult, it is your responsibility to talk to me if you are having problems. I want to help and am always accessible. Though I try, I am unable to read minds most of the time.
THE Art Lab
We work in a shared, communal space that others use. We will leave the room cleaner than we found it. You are allowed to work in the studio anytime the room is not occupied once you sign in at the front desk.
You will be REQUIRED to obtain several toolsand supplies, and a sketchbook.
Headphones are great as long as you remove them when important announcements or teaching moments are happening. Music in the studio is allowed at appropriate times. Please be respectful with cell phones and texting while I am demonstrating.
* Know the properties for different clays and how they behave in firing.
* Understand the relationship between form and function and surface.
* Have analyzed and discussed many varied examples of art created in clay.
* Understand aspects of studio safety and health issues.
* Appreciate a clean and organized working environment.
* Be able to demonstrate basic formation methods for ceramics including pinch, coil, slab, and wheel thrown works.
* Know how to use the basic tools of ceramic art.
* Create surface design, texture, and decoration using a variety of methods.
* Knox the basics about mixing and application of glazes.
* Know how to prepare work for firing, how to stack a kiln for bisque and glaze firings, and how to conduct oxidation, reduction, and raku firings.
* Know the properties for different clays and how they behave in firing.
* Expand aesthetic ideas regarding clay as an art medium.
* Have analyzed and discussed many varied examples of art created in clay.
* Understand aspects of studio safety and health issues.
* Appreciate a clean and organized working environment.
* Further skills in basic formation methods for ceramics including pinch, coil, slab, and wheel thrown works and new ways to create clay forms and combinations of basic forms.
* Explore more personal directions in the clay medium.
* Expand a repertoire of ways to create surface design, texture and decoration by working with slips, stencils, and advanced techniques.
* Further knowledge about the mixing and application of glazes.
* Know how to prepare work for firing, how to stack a kiln for bisque and glaze firings, and how to conduct oxidation, reduction and raku firings.
Learning outcomes:
There are 5 major assignments due this semester for both handbuilding and wheelthrowing. Class time is will involve active work on assigned projects, with discussion, critique, presentations, used to highlight important points.
Prerequisites for the course: Handbuilding NONE Wheelthrowing: Handbuilding I
Course Topics:
-three cone 04 Spectrum Gloss Glazes (pick any three will have access to many more colors on your work.....every one is required to furnish 3 to the communal glaze supply)
-At least 25lbs of clay to start out (get either raku or earthenware....I suggest raku for handbuilding)
-A kemper tool kit
-A sketchbook
-A collection of small brushes (at least one for fine detail)
-Plastic (dry cleaner bags are the best)
Materials can be purchased here at Mighty Mud
Additional suggested materials:
You will need to purchase your materials from
Mighty Mud Ceramics in Knoxville (it is on the back side of the building)
2444 Sutherland Ave., Suite C,
Knoxville, TN 37919
phone: 865. 595. 1900
A= 90-100 B= 80-89 C=70-79 D= 60-69 F=Below 60
Each assignment is graded individually. At the end of the semester, the grades will be averaged along with your sketchbook/participation grade, and attendance and this will be your final grade.
Academic Misconduct includes, but is not limited to, Plagiarism, Cheating, Fabrication and Facilitation. Academic misconduct is prohibited. Upon identification of misconduct, an instructor has the authority to assign an “F” or a zero for the exercise, the examination, or the entire course. Students guilty of academic misconduct that would typically result in the grade of “F” for the course will not be permitted to drop the class in which the academic misconduct occurred. The instructor will contact the appropriate Division Dean who will then contact Records and request that an administrative hold be placed on the course in question. The instructor will notify the student of the appropriate due process/appeal procedure. The administrative hold will remain in place until the academic misconduct matter is concluded.
Qualified students with disabilities will be provided reasonable and necessary academic accommodations if determined eligible by the appropriate disability services office staff. Prior to granting disability accommodations in the course, the instructor must receive written verification of a student's eligibility for specific accommodations from the disability services office staff. It is the student's responsibility to initiate contact with the disability services staff and to follow the established procedures for having the accommodation notice sent to the instructor.
SYLLABUS CHANGESThe Instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus as long as the students are notified.
Roane State Community College | Syllabus Template